
We are expanding our infrastructure to the UK

With consumerization of enterprise, users want Amazon, Netflix & Google-like experiences everywhere. To support such experiences in search and discovery, we built a robust distributed architecture offering unprecedented speed and up to 99.99% SLA to over 8,000 customers — including some of the world’s top brands — anywhere on the planet. To maintain such high standards, we are always on the lookout for opportunities to fortify the availability of our infrastructure.

This week, we opened two new data centers in the UK, thus adding the 17th region to the existing network of 70+ centers in our worldwide DSN (Distributed Search Network).

Worldwide footprint

Speed, reliability and security are hallmarks of Algolia’s success worldwide. Today, Algolia serves more than 1 Trillion user-generated queries from now 17 regions worldwide, with 70B+ searches/month and 200+B API calls/month.

With the UK region expansion, our 6-continent coverage is as follows:

  • NORTH AMERICA: United States (East, West, Central), Canada
  • EUROPE: France, Germany, Netherlands, Russia, UK
  • ASIA: Hong Kong, India, Japan, Singapore, UAE
  • OCEANIA: Australia
  • AFRICA: South Africa

What does this mean for our UK customers?

Because search queries are automatically directed to the closest data center, latency in the UK region will be decreased by 5-10 milliseconds.

Data locality gives our UK customers an additional layer of insurance. Securing our clients’ business continuity — with our security, data recovery and transparency commitments  — remains a top priority for Algolia.

“Algolia’s decision to expand infrastructure into the UK gives another boost to our confidence in Algolia’s security, reliability, and enterprise-readiness. We look forward to working together to provide our customers best-in-class search and discovery experiences.”

James Hoare, Director of Digital Engineering, Dunelm Digital

Getting started with our new data center

If you’re already using Algolia and would like to migrate to the UK region, send us an email:

Haven’t had a chance to try us out yet? Signup for a free account now, or book a time with one of our product specialists.

About the authorAdam Surak

Adam Surak

Director of Infrastructure & Security @ Algolia

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