By working every day on building the best search engine, we’ve become obsessed with our own search experience on the websites and mobile applications we use.
We’re git addicts and love using GitHub to store every single idea or project we work on. We use it both for our private and public repositories (12 API clients, HN Search or various d e m o s). We use every day its search function and we decided to re-build it the way we thought it should be. We’re proud to share it with the community via this Chrome extension. Our Github Awesome Autocomplete enables a seamless and fast access to GitHub resources via an as-you-type search functionality.
We used GitHub’s Archive dataset to export top repositories and last active users using Google’s BigQuery:
;; export repositories SELECT a.repository_name as name, a.repository_owner as owner, a.repository_description as description, a.repository_organization as organization, a.repository_watchers AS watchers, a.repository_forks AS forks, a.repository_language as language FROM [githubarchive:github.timeline] a JOIN EACH ( SELECT MAX(created_at) as max_created, repository_url FROM [githubarchive:github.timeline] GROUP EACH BY repository_url ) b ON b.max_created = a.created_at and b.repository_url = a.repository_url ;; export users SELECT a.actor_attributes_login as login, a.actor_attributes_name as name, a.actor_attributes_company as company, a.actor_attributes_location as location, a.actor_attributes_blog AS blog, a.actor_attributes_email AS email FROM [githubarchive:github.timeline] a JOIN EACH ( SELECT MAX(created_at) as max_created, actor_attributes_login FROM [githubarchive:github.timeline] GROUP EACH BY actor_attributes_login ) b ON b.max_created = a.created_at and b.actor_attributes_login = a.actor_attributes_login
Here are the 2 index configurations we used to build the search:
Sylvain Utard
VP of EngineeringPowered by Algolia AI Recommendations
Michael King
Developer AdvocateSoma Osvay
Full Stack Engineer, Starschemakevin
John Stewart
VP Corporate Marketing