Searchable attributes
By default, when you upload your data to Algolia, all attributes are searchable. This is unlikely to be the optimal set up, as some of attributes are only to be used for display, ranking, or faceting, and some are more important than others. Follow this guide and this documentation to understand which attributes to make searchable and how to order them
Custom Ranking
During the Data Design sprint, you identified and indexed business data so that search could be more relevant. You can configure business relevance through the custom ranking setting, which breaks the ranking for records with the same textual relevance.

Setting language
If you indexed data so that there is one index per language, you can optimize relevance by setting removeStopWords, ignorePlurals (this can be done directly or by setting the index) index language, and query language.
For Danish, German, Finnish, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, you can set decompoundedAttributes and