Index Widget
Apply this widget to a specific Algolia index when building a federated search interface.
Automatically build an Algolia index of YouTube playlists, channels, or even single videos with OpenAI's Whisper.
Automated YouTube Audio/Video content transcription search for your website. Harness the power of OpenAI's Whisper to automatically build an Algolia index of YouTube playlists, channels, or even single videos.
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Built by Algolia's developer community, not supported by Algolia
Recommended content
Apply this widget to a specific Algolia index when building a federated search interface.
Learn to build a Twitter clone with SwiftUI & APIs in 8 tutorials. Stream for Chat/Feeds, Algolia for search, RevenueCat for subs, 100ms & Mux for media
Integrated with:
A few serverless functions to ingest and sync YouTube video data with an Algolia index