Guides / Building Search UI

Upgrading InstantSearch Android

Upgrade event tracking

Starting from v3.2.0, InstantSearch makes it easier to send view events using the isAutoSendingHitsViewEvents option on HitsSearcher:

val searcher = HitsSearch(
  applicationID = ApplicationID("YourApplicationID"),
  apiKey = APIKey("YourSearchOnlyAPIKey"),
  indexName = IndexName("indexName"),
  isAutoSendingHitsViewEvents = true

From v3.2.0 to v3.3.0, this option was set to true by default. Ensure you’re using the latest version of InstantSearch to send the required events.

Upgrade from InstantSearch v2 to v3

The library version 3.0 uses Kotlin 1.6 and Algolia Kotlin API Client 2.0. Below are the steps to migrate.

This new version removes all deprecated methods and features from v2.

InstantSearch Android package

InstantSearch Android package has changed. Update your imports accordingly:

Module 2.x 3.x
InstantSearch Android

Kotlin API client

The Kotlin API client (and its underlying Ktor client) is part of the library’s binary interface. Read the migration guide, or apply the following changes:


The library uses LogLevel from the Kotlin API client instead of Ktor’s Loglevel:

Subsystem 2.x 3.x
LogLevel io.ktor.client.features.logging.LogLevel

Public constants

Constants (for example, KeyIndexName, KeyEnglish, and RouteIndexesV1) aren’t exposed. Use your constants instead.

Ktor client

For more information, refer to Ktor’s migration guide.


Legacy searchers are removed; please migrate as follows:

Searcher 2.x 3.x
Single Index Searcher SearcherSingleIndex HitsSearcher
Facets Searcher SearcherForFacets FacetsSearcher
Multi Index Searcher SearcherMultipleIndex MultiSearcher

Extension modules

Multiple extensions have been extracted to modules:

Subsystem Module
Androidx SwipeRefreshLayout com.algolia:instantsearch-android-loading
Androidx Paging 3 com.algolia:instantsearch-android-paging3
Androidx Paging 2 Removed

Upgrade from InstantSearch v1 to v2

InstantSearch v2 introduces a new architecture and new widgets, which brings several breaking changes from v1:

  • No longer an InstantSearch component automatically connecting widgets. You are now in control of the Searcher and responsible for connecting and disconnecting it from widgets and other components.
  • The widgets are now built around ViewModels, holding their data and business logic.
    Compared to the V1 where widgets were Android Views, now the core of the widget is its view-model, and the UI is behind an interface to ensure minimal coupling.

You can learn more about the philosophy of InstantSearch v2 in What is InstantSearch. Once ready to start migrating, learn the steps to building an InstantSearch v2 app in the getting started guide..

The InstantSearch Android v1 documentation is available on the legacy docs page.

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