Guides / Managing results / Refine results / Sorting results

In the Algolia dashboard, you can delete replica indices like regular indices. For more information, see Delete indices in the Algolia dashboard.

Using the API, you can delete a replica index in two steps:

  1. Unlink the replica index from its primary. This turns the replica into a regular index.
  2. Delete the (former) replica index.

To unlink a replica index from its primary index, remove it from the replicas setting of the primary index, using the setSettings method:

var response = await client.SetSettingsAsync(
  new IndexSettings { Replicas = new List<string> { "" } }

If want to keep other replicas, don’t remove them from the replicas setting. If you set replicas to an empty string or list, all replicas will be unlinked.

Now, you can delete your replica index.

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