Guides / Personalization / Advanced Personalization / Configure personalization / Prerequisites

Consider requirements and limits

A healthy Advanced Personalization setup requires familiarity with its requirements and limitations.

Your Advanced Personalization configuration can be modified up to five times per day and must adhere to the following limits on:

  • Indices
  • Affinities
  • Events.


  • You can personalize as many of your indices as you like.
  • The maximum number of indices you can create depends on your plan.


Affinities are attributes that you want to use to personalize search results.

  • You must select at least one and no more than 20 for each index you personalize.
  • Some attribute names are reserved and can’t be used as affinities: app_id, client_id, session_id, updated_at, __index_level_0__, objectID, ^_ds_.*.

Affinity values

  • Each attribute must have no more than 100 unique values.
  • Some attribute values are reserved and will be ignored: not-set, {}, Unknown, unknown, ***,  , None, none, N/A, n/a, NULL, null.
  • When using nested attributes there must be no more than 250 levels of nesting. If an attribute contains more than 250 levels of nesting, scores will not be generated for that affinity.


To be used for generating user profiles, the events you send to Insights must adhere to the limits detailed below.

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