Since December 31, 2023, apps can’t modify the code of Shopify themes. For more information, see The Asset API resource in the Shopify documentation. As an alternative, the Algolia AI Search and Discovery app comes with Shopify App Embed and App Blocks to integrate Autocomplete and InstantSearch. To get started, see Quickstart and Algolia configuration.
Recommend for Shopify is a beta feature according to the Algolia Terms of Service (“Beta Services”).
The Algolia integration for Shopify includes an app block built with Algolia Recommend that you can add to your store’s pages to show product recommendations.
Before you begin
Before you can show recommendations in your store, check that you’ve set up Recommend:
- Enable Algolia for your Shopify theme.
- You’re sending click and conversion events. Algolia Recommend relies on click and conversion events to continuously improve its recommendations. You can also upload events via CSV to get started.
- You have a Recommend model trained in your Algolia dashboard.
- Recommend is not compatible with Shopify Markets.
Enable Recommend
To add the Algolia Recommend app block to your theme, open your theme editor, click Add section, go to the Apps tab, and select Algolia Recommend.
Select the Recommend model for the app block, complete the settings, save your changes.
Once your model training is completed and meets the criteria set for the app block, the recommendations app block will appear on your store’s page.
Available models
Only the Trending items model is available outside the product page. The other Recommend models require a variant ID.
You can use custom hooks to customize how your recommendations will be rendered.