Integrations / Shopify

Since December 31, 2023, apps can’t modify the code of Shopify themes. For more information, see The Asset API resource in the Shopify documentation. As an alternative, the Algolia AI Search and Discovery app comes with Shopify App Embed and App Blocks to integrate Autocomplete and InstantSearch. To get started, see Quickstart and Algolia configuration.

Named tags are an optimized alternative to Shopify’s metafields. Named tags automatically generate key-value attribute pairs from specifically formatted tags.

Shopify limits tags to 255 characters per tag. If you want to index longer strings, use metafields.

Shopify lets you apply up to 250 tags to each product. If you’re adding many tags to your products, you should also keep your Algolia record size limit in mind.

Enabling named tags

To activate named tags, go to the Products section of the Indexing tab and check the box that says Index named tags.

Enable named tags in your Shopify admin

Shopify stores tags as long comma-split strings. To use commas in your text values, use the encoded type described below.

Adding named tags

To add a named tag to a product, you must go to that product’s page on Shopify and add a tag with the proper named tag format. Currently, four different types of named tags are accepted:


attr:value Extracts value as a string. Can’t contain a comma.

Example: author:Isaac Asimov


attr:boolean:value Extracts value - true or false - as a boolean.

Example: suitable_for_children:boolean:true


attr:number:value Extracts value - integer or decimal - as a number.

Example: age:number:34

Example: alternative_price:number:199.90


attr:encoded:value Extracts and decodes a URL-encoded value. Allows for commas.

Example: alternative_name:encoded:Me%2C%20Myself%20and%20I

You need to replace , by %2C, but the URL-encoded approach provides a safe way to make sure that all characters are properly interpreted by Shopify’s tag engine.

To encode your string to this format, you can use:

Restricting named tags to specific variants

Shopify tags are only available at the product level, so you can’t restrict them to a subset of your variants. Algolia provides a workaround with named tags.

To do this, include a bracketed specifier in front of the named tag: [option_name:option_value]variant_tag:variant_tag_option.

For example:

  1. if you want to add the named tag long_name:Small to a product’s size S variant, then add the following tag to the product: [size:S]long_name:Small.
  2. if you want to add the named tag original_price:number:19.90 to a product’s size S and blue variant, then add the following tag to the product: [size:S][color:blue]original_price:number:19.90

If you have a product with multiple options, such as size and color, and only specify one of them, the named tag will be applied to all of the matching ones.

To handle long option values, you can use a * at the end of the value to target all of the option values starting with this string. For instance, [color:B*] will apply to both Blue and Brown colors.

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