Create or update a batch of Recommend Rules

Create or update a batch of Recommend Rules

Each Recommend Rule is created or updated, depending on whether a Recommend Rule with the same objectID already exists. You may also specify true for clearExistingRules, in which case the batch will atomically replace all the existing Recommend Rules.

Recommend Rules are similar to Search Rules, except that the conditions and consequences apply to a source item instead of a query. The main differences are the following:

  • Conditions pattern and anchoring are unavailable.
  • Condition filters triggers if the source item matches the specified filters.
  • Condition filters accepts numeric filters.
  • Consequence params only covers filtering parameters.
  • Consequence automaticFacetFilters doesn’t require a facet value placeholder (it tries to match the data source item’s attributes instead).


Required ACL: editSettings
import { algoliasearch } from 'algoliasearch';

const client = algoliasearch('ALGOLIA_APPLICATION_ID', 'ALGOLIA_API_KEY').initRecommend();

const response = await client.batchRecommendRules({ indexName: 'indexName', model: 'related-products' });
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