Sep 20, 2024
Search API client
The Search API client is part of the algolia
To install this gem, run:
gem install algolia
To use the Search client, add this import to your files:
require "algolia"
To create an instance of the client:
client = Algolia::SearchClient.create("ALGOLIA_APPLICATION_ID", "ALGOLIA_API_KEY")
List of methods
Each method makes one request to the Search API. The Search API client also includes helper methods that wrap one or more of these methods. For more information, see Helper methods.
client.search_single_index | Search an index | | Search multiple indices |
client.search_for_facet_values | Search for facet values |
client.browse | Browse for records |
client.save_object | Add a new record (with auto-generated object ID) |
client.get_object | Retrieve a record |
client.add_or_update_object | Add or replace a record |
client.delete_object | Delete a record |
client.delete_by | Delete records matching a filter |
client.clear_objects | Delete all records from an index |
client.partial_update_object | Add or update attributes |
client.batch | Batch indexing operations on one index |
client.multiple_batch | Batch indexing operations on multiple indices |
client.get_objects | Retrieve records |
client.delete_index | Delete an index |
client.get_settings | Retrieve index settings |
client.set_settings | Update index settings |
client.get_task | Check task status |
client.operation_index | Copy or move an index |
client.list_indices | List indices |
client.get_synonym | Retrieve a synonym |
client.save_synonym | Create or replace a synonym |
client.delete_synonym | Delete a synonym |
client.save_synonyms | Create or replace synonyms |
client.clear_synonyms | Delete all synonyms |
client.search_synonyms | Search for synonyms |
API keys
client.list_api_keys | List API keys |
client.add_api_key | Create an API key |
client.get_api_key | Retrieve API key permissions |
client.update_api_key | Update an API key |
client.delete_api_key | Delete an API key |
client.restore_api_key | Restore an API key |
client.get_rule | Retrieve a rule |
client.save_rule | Create or replace a rule |
client.delete_rule | Delete a rule |
client.save_rules | Create or update rules |
client.clear_rules | Delete all rules |
client.search_rules | Search for rules |
client.batch_dictionary_entries | Add or delete dictionary entries |
client.search_dictionary_entries | Search dictionary entries |
client.get_dictionary_settings | Retrieve dictionary settings |
client.set_dictionary_settings | Update dictionary settings |
client.get_dictionary_languages | List available languages |
client.list_user_ids | List user IDs |
client.assign_user_id | Assign or move a user ID |
client.batch_assign_user_ids | Assign multiple userIDs |
client.get_top_user_ids | Get top user IDs |
client.get_user_id | Retrieve user ID |
client.remove_user_id | Delete user ID |
client.list_clusters | List clusters |
client.search_user_ids | Search for user IDs |
client.has_pending_mappings | Get migration and user mapping status |
client.get_sources | List allowed sources |
client.replace_sources | Replace allowed sources |
client.append_source | Add a source |
client.delete_source | Delete a source |
client.get_logs | Retrieve log entries |
client.get_app_task | Check application task status |
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