
Why should you do it?

Sometimes customers who visit your site aren’t necessarily looking for a product. Though not a direct revenue driver, how your site treats these customers as part of your larger digital experience is a key piece in building trust and loyalty. Are the search terms “help”, “return policy”, or any other keywords that aren’t a particular product  frequently showing up in your top keyword results? If your answer is yes, the solution is using: Keyword Redirects.

Redirects allow you to bypass the usual product search results and take a customer directly to a page of your choosing if they search for a particular word or phrase. Some Algolia customers also use this feature to redirect users to category or brand pages. This can work well, but be sure to set up rules using exact-match or you may find it produces unexpected results.

NOTE: There are two ways to set up keyword redirects in Algolia. One is using the Manual Editor and the other is using Merchandising Studio, which is available for some customers. Either option requires a simple front end development work to be in place for the keyword redirect to be triggered. Check with your Development team to have it set up.

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