Algolia DevCon
Oct. 2–3 2024, virtual.
Guides / Scaling / Servers and clusters

Capacity alerts warn you when something is about to go wrong on your servers. This is useful in helping you foresee and avoid serious troubles. They can also reveal a need for optimization, such as in how you define your settings and search parameters, or how you structure and push your data.

Only plans with a dedicated cluster of servers can receive capacity alerts.

What does Algolia monitor?

Algolia monitors several kinds of server-side metrics to alert you when one reaches full capacity.

Memory usage

This is for the combined total size of all indices on the clusters. If the size of your indices reach the server’s limits, there’s a risk of disrupting the service.

Used search capacity spikes

This is the maximum search capacity usage reached over a certain period of time. For example, you may see 100% used search capacity for a certain day if there was a single second during which all the search resources of a node were being used. It doesn’t mean that the cluster was consistently maxed out on that day.

Average response time

This is the average time for the engine to process a query. You can fix slow queries by optimizing query parameters or the index’s configuration.

Oldest queued job

This is the delayed indexing queue on your servers. It usually happens when the engine receives a large volume of complex indexing operations.

How to configure and subscribe to capacity alerts

Every collaborator can subscribe to capacity alerts for each application. You can set this up on your Algolia dashboard, from the Alerts tab.

If you need help with capacity alerts, feel free to reach out to your success team or contact the Algolia support team.

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