Add or replace a record

Adds a record to an index or replace it.

  • If the record doesn’t have an object ID, a new record with an auto-generated object ID is added to your index.
  • If a record with the specified object ID exists, the existing record is replaced.
  • If a record with the specified object ID doesn’t exist, a new record is added to your index.
  • If you add a record to an index that doesn’t exist yet, a new index is created.

To update some attributes of a record, use the partial operation. To add, update, or replace multiple records, use the batch operation.


Required ACL: addObject
import { algoliasearch } from 'algoliasearch';

const client = algoliasearch('ALGOLIA_APPLICATION_ID', 'ALGOLIA_API_KEY');

const response = await client.saveObject({ indexName: 'ALGOLIA_INDEX_NAME', body: { objectID: 'id', test: 'val' } });
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JavaScript API clients v5