Insights API client methods

This is documentation for v3 of the PHP API clients, which is not the latest version. To see the documentation for the latest version, see PHP v4.

This is documentation for v2 of the Ruby API clients, which is not the latest version. To see the documentation for the latest version, see Ruby v3.

This is documentation for v4 of the JavaScript API clients, which is not the latest version. To see the documentation for the latest version, see JavaScript v5.

This is documentation for v3 of the Python API clients, which is not the latest version. To see the documentation for the latest version, see Python v4.

This is documentation for v8 of the Swift API clients, which is not the latest version. To see the documentation for the latest version, see Swift v9.

This is documentation for v2 of the Kotlin API clients, which is not the latest version. To see the documentation for the latest version, see Kotlin v3.

This is documentation for v6 of the C# API clients, which is not the latest version. To see the documentation for the latest version, see C# v7.

This is documentation for v3 of the Java API clients, which is not the latest version. To see the documentation for the latest version, see Java v4.

This is documentation for v3 of the Go API clients, which is not the latest version. To see the documentation for the latest version, see Go v4.

This is documentation for v1 of the Scala API clients, which is not the latest version. To see the documentation for the latest version, see Scala v2.

List of methods

The Algolia Insights API lets you collect events related to your search and discovery experience. Events are actions that users take on your app or website. They unlock powerful features, such as recommendations, personalization, smarter search results, and analytics that help you optimize your user experience.

Install the Insights client

The Insights client is a separate npm package. Find the source code on GitHub.

To send Insights events from your JavaScript app, either include a code snippet directly in your HTML or install it as a dependency in your project.

Include the Insights client in your HTML

Paste the following code snippet into the <head> tag of every page where you want to track Insights events.


  (e[s].queue=e[s].queue||[]).push(arguments)},e[s].version=(n.match(/@([^\/]+)\/?/) || [])[1],i=a.createElement(t),c=a.getElementsByTagName(t)[0],

If you prefer hosting your own version, copy the script in your own project.

  var ALGOLIA_INSIGHTS_SRC = 'path/to/search-insights.min.js';

  // …

Install the Insights client with npm

Install the search-insights package in your project:

npm install search-insights
# or
yarn add search-insights

Initialize the Insights client

To initialize the Insights client, you need your Algolia application ID and your API key with search permissions. You can find both in your Algolia dashboard.

var client = new InsightsClient(

Find all the parameters you can use in the init method documentation.

Starting from v2.4.0, you can also pass credentials using headers for each call. If you’re using the client with InstantSearch or Autocomplete, credentials are inferred from the passed search client.

Identify users

It’s important to identify users so that you can give them a consistent experience, especially when using Personalization. Do this by providing an anonymous or pseudonymous user identifier (a userToken or authenticatedUserToken) when tracking Insights events.

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