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Work with a partner who handles 30 billion records and nearly 1.7 trillion searches a year with 99.999% availability.

The results speak for themselves

“We got better results, enjoyed a higher ROI, and saw less work for a very small team with limited resources. It was a home run for us across the board.”

Rachel Maxwell

Senior Manager of Digital Merchandising, Everlane


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Latest news about AI Search

Understanding AI transparency

This white paper for business and technology leaders explores real world examples of how to incorporate transparent AI into their business.

Want to sound really smart about AI personalization?

To assist you in understanding the latest search personalization technologies, here are 16 terms you need to know to master the language.

B2B Search Audit

Grab your pencils: we’re auditing B2B ecommerce search experiences together! This virtual search audit workshop is based on Baymard’s CX best practices & learnings from Algolia’s 1,700+ B2B customers.

Get the AI search that shows users what they need