The Algolia Extension for Adobe's PWA Studio demonstrates how to easily integrate Algolia's search capabilities into PWA Studio using Algolia react libraries.
It utilizes Algolia’s react libraries for instantsearch, autocomplete and search insights. It also relies on the Algolia index and Magento admin configurations created by using the AlgoliaSearch Magento 2 extension. There are a few limitations to be aware of, such as the fact that GraphQL endpoints have not been implemented in our AlgoliaSearch Magento 2 Extension yet. Therefore, Algolia configurations for Magento PWA need to be manually managed in the config.json file and we have provided a sample config.json for your reference.
Please note, this is not production-ready, and is a proof of concept to showcase the usage of Algolia’s Autocomplete, Instantsearch and Search Insights react libraries in PWA Studio.