The results
Growing together with great results
Sellpy has been using Algolia since the launch of its marketplace, and implementing new Algolia features into its homegrown e-commerce platform has been quick and straightforward.
“We’ve always been happy with Algolia’s ease of use,” Østergaard says. “It’s always been a very good experience for the developers to work with.”
“In the past two years, as we’ve started to use Algolia more on the product side of the table and less as just a technology solution, it’s been nice that you can do so much straight from the dashboard,” van Rhijn adds. “But even while you can do everything from the dashboard, we can also reach everything through an API, so I can make small adjustments on my side without any problem. It’s also very easy for an engineer to step in and do things across the board.”
As Spellpy’s inventory has increased over the decade to more than 5 million listings, the need for a search solution that can handle its unique needs has become even more crucial and vendors that can supply it even harder to find, Østergaard suggests. Here, Algolia’s AI-powered capabilities have proven an asset, as has the company’s continuous innovation and improvement.
“It requires an intelligent infrastructure to be able to keep up with our growth, and we have that with Algolia.”
AI Personalization has been a significant boon for the company, helping to narrow down, for example, a customer search for a “black dress” to incorporate attributes unique to the customer such as size. Previous attempts at implementing personalization required too much configuration and had hard-to-set attributes, Østergaard says.
“That’s what makes AI Personalization a game changer: we just feed it all the data we have, and it figures out what to do with each user.”
Since recently implementing AI Personalization, Østergaard says the company has seen more items added to carts — signifying that customers can find the fashions they seek — but also, importantly, that views of items are being spread more evenly to the benefit of sellers.
After implementing the feature, Sellpy has seen a 2 percent conversion rate increase, plus a 6 percent jump in average conversions per user. But ultimately, it comes back to meeting the company’s customer-centric goals.
“So instead of always showing the same black dress in size medium, we can now show ones that address each individual customer, which means ones in their sizes or with different patterns or dots also get shown,” Østergaard says.
“The customers have this selection that’s tailored to them and hopefully they feel more understood.”